Rabu, 12 September 2012
Ninja Saga Gashapon Hack [New]
Ninja Saga Gashapon Hack With Charles. Get as you want gashapon items.
- Charles Proxy: DOWNLOAD
- Download Gashapon List Item and Skill
- Password download is: gamebloginf.blogspot.com
- Download and Instal Charles [For those who do not have the Charles]
- Open Charles Proxy
- Login to Facebook
- Open Ninja Saga
- In Charles, Breakpoint for "app.ninjasaga.com"
- For the next step please see the video below so easy to understand. Do not forget to download also List Item and Skill
Sumber : http://gamebloginf.blogspot.com/2012/04/ninja-saga-gashapon-hack-new.html#ixzz26EwjiQNs
Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill With Cheat Engine (100% work)
Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill With Cheat Engine (100% work)
With this Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill With Cheat Engine, you can defeat your enemies with one attack.
Tools Required:
- Cheat Engine: Click here to download
- Your Browser
- Download and Instal Cheat Engine
- NS Open -> Play
- Open C.Engine
- Select a process (the computer image on the left)
- Select the browser you use
- Change the Value Type to an array of bytes
- Put the numbers 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A3 in hex column -> First Scan
- Appears one / two addresses on the left
- Move down and replace valuenya to 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2
- See video below for details :
Ninja Saga Hack 50TP/Lvl78 New
Ninja Saga Hack 50TP/Lvl78 New
Ninja Saga Hack 50 TP and Lvl 78
- Swf 50 TP and Lvl 78: Click Here To Download
- Fiddler 2: Click Here To Download
- Your Browser
- Download and Instal Fiddler2
- Login Facebook
- Open Ninja Saga
- Open Fiddler2 and Click "Autoresponder tab" (which his lightning green icon)
- Then tick the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
- Drag and Drop Swf into "Column Autoresponder"
- Clear chace in browser
- Go to Mission
- Done
Ninja Saga Hack All In One Shop Anniversary 3rd
Ninja Saga Hack All In One Shop Anniversary 3rd
(New) Ninja Saga Hack Anniversary 3rd + Hack All In One Shop.
- Auto-Pilot Features [all permanent]:
- All TP Mission Instant: 50 TP per Day
- Instant Complete Daily Task
- Instant Chunin Exams
- Instant Jounin Exams
- Instant Specail Jounin Exams
- Special Features :
- Recruit NPCs [free]
- Emblem+2000 Tokens
- All Achievements Complete
- Clain 3rd Anniversary Rewards
- Claim 3rd Anniversary Point Rewards
- Claim 3rd Anniversary Clothes
- Other Features [temporary]:
- HP Hack
- CP Hack
- Critical Hack
- Damage Hack
- Agility & Dodge Hack
- Swf File : Download Swf File
- Fiddler2 : Free Download Fiddler
- Your Browser (Firefox or Google Chrome)
- Open Facebook
- Open Fiddler2
- In Fiddler2 click autoresponder tab then tick:
- Enable autoresponse
- Unmatched requests passthrough
- Drag all swf files in column autoresponse
- Now click clear your browser's cache:
For Google Chrome:- Go to options
- Under the hood
- Clear browsing data
- Tick cache and untick others (history etc)
- Clear browsing data
- Go to tools
- Clear private data/recent history
- Tick cache and untick others (history etc)
- Click clear now
- Open Ninja Saga
- Now go to Shop
- Enjoy this hack
Ninja Saga Cheat Icrease Element Point
Ninja Saga Cheat Icrease Element Point
Sesuai dengan judulnya (Ninja Saga Cheat Icrease Element Point) cheat ini berfungsi untuk meningkatkan poin elemen Ninja Saga kita, Tidak tanggung-tanggung, elemen yang bisa kita tambahkan bisa sampai 9999 poin. Dulu saya juga pernah share cheat ninja saga penambah elemen point yaitu (Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event 2012 With Fiddler) di situ saya sertakan Swf file peningkat poin elemen dengan Fiddler.
Nah bagi anda yang kurang bisa menggukan Fiddler, sekarang akan saya share Cheat penambah Point Elemen menggunakan Cheat Engine.
Alat yang diperlukan:
- Cheat Engine : Free Download Cheat Engine
- Browser anda
- Download dan instal Cheat Engine
- Buka Cheat Engine
- Dalam Cheat Engine pilih browser yang anda pakai
- Buka Ninja Saga
- Kemudian dalam Cheat Engine pilih Scan Type >> Exact Value dan juga pilih Value Type ke "4 bytes"
- Scan gold anda (Masuk ke shop >> Silahkan jual / beli barang >> Nanti gold kamu akan berkurang / bertambah >> Tulis Gold baru kamu >> dan next scan gold kamu)
- Setelah di Scan nanti sebelah kiri akan muncul 1 addres, addresnya akan seperti ini "xxxxxx70"
- Pindahkan addres tersebut kebawah sampai 5 kali
- Setelah anda pindahkan kebawah sampai 5 kali, sekarang ganti satu persatu addres "xxxxxx70" caranya, klik kanan satu-persatu addres yang sudah anda pindahkan ke bawah >> Change Record >> Addres >> ganti adrres dengan kode dibawah ini (yang diganti hanya 2 digit paling belakang) :
- Sekarang ganti semua value ke 9999 untuk elemen Fire, Water, Lighting & Earth, tapi untuk Wind jangan melebihi 400! Untuk caranya : Setelah 5 kode addres sudah anda ganti >> Blok ke empat adders >> klik kanan >> Change Record >> Value >> Ganti sesuai petunjuk. Untuk angin di sendirikan, klik kanan addres elemen Wind / Udara dan caranya sama dengan di atas.
- Sekarang, liat profile Ninja Saga anda!
- Nikmati Purify Rate, Combustion Rate, Dodge Rate, Critical Rate, Reactive Force and HP+CP+Agility!
Free Download Cheat Engine 6.1
Free Download Cheat Engine 6.1
Apakah kalian pernah mendengar software yang bernama Cheat Engine? Mungkin bagi kalian yang penggila game pasti lah tahu, yups.. pada postingan ini saya akan memberikan tempat untuk download Cheat Engine terbaru. sebelumnya bagi yang belum tahu apa software Cheat Engine terbaru ini berikut penjelasannya:
Note: saat menggunakan Cheat Engine ini ada beberapa hal yang kalian perlu perhatikan
1. Matikan antivirus sementara
2. Jangan melanggar TOS atau peraturan saat memodifikasi player
3. Ada kemungkinan di banned saat anda main game online
Cheat Engine adalah sebuah alat open source yang didesain untuk membantu Anda dengan memodifikasi permainan khususnya game singgle player pada windows sehingga Anda dapat membuat mereka lebih sulit atau lebih mudah tergantung pada preferensi Anda (misalnya: Temukan 100hp yang terlalu mudah, coba bermain game dengan maksimal 1 HP), tetapi juga berisi alat lain yang berguna untuk membantu game debugging dan bahkan aplikasi normal.
- Untuk download Cheat Engine terbaru 6.1 DOWNLOAD HERE [Recomended]
- Atau dari link aslinya http://www.cheatengine.org/
Note: saat menggunakan Cheat Engine ini ada beberapa hal yang kalian perlu perhatikan
1. Matikan antivirus sementara
2. Jangan melanggar TOS atau peraturan saat memodifikasi player
3. Ada kemungkinan di banned saat anda main game online
Ninja Saga ATM XP and ATM Gold New 30 April 2012
Ninja Saga ATM XP and ATM Gold New 30 April 2012
Ninja Saga ATM XP and ATM Gold New Update On 30 April 2012. This time you do not need to enter a password to use this cheat. To use this cheat, please read the steps below:
How to Clear cache:
- Fiddler2: Click Here To Download (Free Download)
- SWF Ninja Saga ATM XP and Gold New: Click here to Download (in Mediafire, not via adf.ly)
- Password to Download this file is: gamebloginf.blogspot.com (Copy and paste Password to notepad then Copy and Paste Password in notpad to Mediafire) - Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
- Download and Instal Fiddler2
- Login to your Facebook
- Login Ninja Saga and Play (but do not go into Headquarters)
- Open Fiddler and Click the Tab autoresponder (who is his lightning green icon)
- Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests"
- Drop it. "ninja_association.swf" file that you extract earlier to the column Autoresponder
- After that, clear cache at the beginning of time
- Then, Go to Headquarters, Clear the mark (Clean the marks that has been shown by arrow, see image below.)
After mark was removed, it will look like this: (You can change the delay to 10 seconds) - Then it's up to you want to use this hack to increase the level or increase your gold.
- Done
How to Clear cache:
- For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Select the Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
- For Google Chrome: Select icon in the upper right corner (next to the star) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Ninja Saga Special All In One Hack + 50 TP
Ninja Saga Special All In One Hack + 50 TP
Ninja Saga Special All In One Hack + 50 TP per Day
- Browser [that supports fiddler extension] to play NS
- Character Level must be 40 to do TP Missions
- Fiddler : Free Download Fiddler
- SWF Hack Files : Download Swf File
- Open fiddler
- Goto autoresponder tab and tick:
- enable autoresponse
- unmatched requests passthrough
- Drag all swf files in fiddler
- Click clear cache in fiddler
- Now clear your browser's cache:
For Google Chrome:- goto options
- under the hood
- clear browsing data
- tick cache and untick others (history etc)
- clear browsing data
- Goto tools
- Clear private data/recent history
- tick cache and untick others (history etc)
- Click clear now
- Open Ninja Saga
- Now go to Shop to enjoy all the new features of the new hack update
Cara mengoprasikan Fiddler2 dan Download gratis Firddler2
Cara mengoprasikan Fiddler2 dan Download gratis Firddler2
Silahkan Downlaod Fiddler2 terlebih dahulu. Klik gambar dibawah ini untuk Download Fiddler2. 100% gratis:

Dengan beberapa langkah mudah, saya akan memberiakan cara agar Fiddler2 anda bisa berkerja:
1. Pertama Instal Fiddler2
2. Setelah anda Instal, buka Fiddler2
3. Klik Tools kemudian klik Option Fiddler
4. Kemudian Klik untuk HTTPS
5. Centang Decrypt HTTPS traffic
6. Kemudian akan muncul tampilan 2 tabel, klik ya pada kedua table tersebut.
Semoga saja cara ini bisa membantu anda yang belum bisa mengoprasikan Fidler2 dan di anggap benar oleh anda.

Dengan beberapa langkah mudah, saya akan memberiakan cara agar Fiddler2 anda bisa berkerja:
1. Pertama Instal Fiddler2
2. Setelah anda Instal, buka Fiddler2
3. Klik Tools kemudian klik Option Fiddler
4. Kemudian Klik untuk HTTPS
5. Centang Decrypt HTTPS traffic
6. Kemudian akan muncul tampilan 2 tabel, klik ya pada kedua table tersebut.
Semoga saja cara ini bisa membantu anda yang belum bisa mengoprasikan Fidler2 dan di anggap benar oleh anda.
Sumber : http://gamebloginf.blogspot.com/2012/02/cara-mengoprasikan-fiddler2-dan.html#ixzz26EqX30xP
Free Download Charles Web Debugging Proxy 3.5.2 (+ Patcher)
Siapa sih yang tidak kenal sama software yang satu ini, semua orang yang sering Hack Game pasti sering menggunakan Software Charles Web Debugging Proxy untuk menghack game mereka. Salah satunya untuk Hack Ninja Saga.
Banyak sekali tutorial-tutorial hack ninja saga yang mengharuskan menggunakan Charles Web Debugging Proxy ini, atau untuk menghack atau Cheat Lucky Train Coins Terbaru Feb.29 2012. dalam tutorial Cheat Lucky Train Coins Terbaru Feb.29 2012 juga mengharuskan memakai Charles Web Debugging Proxy.
Sebelum anda Menginstal Charles Web Debugging Proxy anda harus Instal Java terlebih dahulu.
Cara Untuk Instal Charles Web Debugging Proxy:
1. Download Java
2. Download Charles Web Debugging Proxy (rar)
3. Extract File Charles Web Debugging Proxy hasil download.
4. Instal Java terlebih dahulu. (jika anda sudah bisa upload foto di Facebook dengan cara baru, anda tidak perlu download Instal Java lagi.)
5. Kemudian Instal Charles Web Debugging Proxy
Link untuk Download Charles Web Debugging Proxy 3.5.2 (+ Patcher) dan Java:
Download Charles Web Debugging Proxy 3.5.2 (Full Patcher)
Download Java
Password: ( gamebloginf.blogspot.com )
Banyak sekali tutorial-tutorial hack ninja saga yang mengharuskan menggunakan Charles Web Debugging Proxy ini, atau untuk menghack atau Cheat Lucky Train Coins Terbaru Feb.29 2012. dalam tutorial Cheat Lucky Train Coins Terbaru Feb.29 2012 juga mengharuskan memakai Charles Web Debugging Proxy.
Sebelum anda Menginstal Charles Web Debugging Proxy anda harus Instal Java terlebih dahulu.
Cara Untuk Instal Charles Web Debugging Proxy:
1. Download Java
2. Download Charles Web Debugging Proxy (rar)
3. Extract File Charles Web Debugging Proxy hasil download.
4. Instal Java terlebih dahulu. (jika anda sudah bisa upload foto di Facebook dengan cara baru, anda tidak perlu download Instal Java lagi.)
5. Kemudian Instal Charles Web Debugging Proxy
Link untuk Download Charles Web Debugging Proxy 3.5.2 (+ Patcher) dan Java:
Download Charles Web Debugging Proxy 3.5.2 (Full Patcher)
Download Java
Password: ( gamebloginf.blogspot.com )
Totorial Untuk Patcher Charles Web Debugging Proxy 3.5.2 (+ Patcher) lihat Video Ini:
Sumber : http://gamebloginf.blogspot.com/2012/02/free-download-charles-web-debugging.html#ixzz26EphLD27
Ninja Saga Hack Goden Scratch Cards 2012
Ninja Saga Hack Goden Scratch Cards 2012
Ninja Saga Hack Golden Scratch Cards Anniversary 3rd, dengan adanya event Ninja Saga Golden Scratch Cards anda bisa mendapatkan hadiah clothing, back item, pet, weapon and special prize EMBLEM atau 2000 token, tentunya dengan acak dan tidak semudah yang kita bayangkan. Tapi dengan Ninja Saga Hack Golden Scratch Cards Anniversary 3rd anda bisa mendapatkan hadiah sesuai keinginan anda.
Alat untuk menggunakan Ninja Saga Hack Golden Scratch Cards Anniversary 3rd adalah :
Alat untuk menggunakan Ninja Saga Hack Golden Scratch Cards Anniversary 3rd adalah :
- Charles Web Debugging Proxy : Download Chales Full Patch
- Browser anda
- Download dan Instal Charles
- Buka Charles
- Buka Ninja Saga
- Cari app.ninja saga.com dalam charles bila sudah ketemu klik break point
- Select golden scratch cards
- Edit amf > excute 1x > ganti value sesuai keinginan anda
- Kode value :
Ninja Saga Hack All In Shop Including Emblem + Token Hack 2012
Ninja Saga Hack All In Shop Including Emblem + Token Hack
Contens of this Hack is:
1. 50 Tp per Day - "Permanent"
2. Instant Daily Task- "Permanent"
3. Ten Tale Jinchurichi Mod A.K.A God Mod: I know NS made the new bosses weak and all but defeating them everyday with fare means is a waste of time. Thats why I have added the new God Mod feature so you can defeat them with 1 HIT KO.
4. Emblem and 2000 Token "Not Permanent"
The Tools Used :
1. Swf File : Download Here
Password to Download: gamebloginf.blogspot.com
2. Fiddler2 : Download Here
3. Firefox or Google Crome
The Steps that must be done :
1. Download and Instal Fiddler2.
2. Login Facebook.
3. Open Fiddler then Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
4. Tick the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
5. Drag and Drop Swf into "Column Autoresponder"
6. Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time]
7. Reload Ninja Saga
8. Go to Shop..DONE
How to Delete the cache :
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
TP / DAY HACK 2012
Posted by power025 Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tools :
SWF File - [ Download ]
Steps To Follow :
- Open Ninja Saga & Play
- Open Fiddler & Tick "Enable Automatic Responses" and "Unmatched Requests Passthrough"
- Extrast then Drag The File
- Clear Cache [ CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE ]
- Then go to Pet Shop ..
- Enjoy ! :)